This is the second batch of the long awaited V2 with all of the noise filter components in place and the filter enabled (no need to cut the trace anymore).
PCB reduced to 1mm for 14g weight savings (21g vs 35g for the 1.6mm thick version)
onboard LEDs - 6 white (side) and 3 blue (rear)
built-in LC filter for video transmitter and camera
capacitors on each ESC to reduce noise
One set of pads for FC to monitor battery voltage
Pads to power camera and extra pad for the optional use of a voltage regulator
The LEDs are connected by a jumper by default, if you cut the jumper trace they will be switch off and you can use a remote switch to control the lights
LEDs draw 40mA 3S and 80mA on 4S
The PDB was designed to be placed on top of the bottom plate and then you treat them as one plate and continue your assembly normally
Note this PDB is not a replacement of the Minion bottom plate, nor was it designed to sandwich the arms
The PDB is placed directly on bottom plate. The bottom of the PDB is the ground plane
The video noise filter is enabled when there is no copper trace between the two pads by the red arrow (this is how all PDBs were shipped as of Oct 5, 2015)