3D Printed Parts

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TPU Camera Mount for Nano Camera with Buzzer Mount
Use this mount to fit nano camera mounts (Caddx Ant Lite / Runcam Nano 3) and this micro buzzer. Fi..
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TPU Canopy for Split Mini 2 or Caddx Turtle V2
Use this canopy to fit the Caddx Turtle V2 or the RunCam Split Mini 2 on your micro quad. Fits the B..
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TPU EOS2 Canopy for Micro Quads
Use this canopy to fit the Caddx EOS2 on your micro quad. It will fit most of the popular frame such..
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TPU Go Pro Hero Base Mount for the Vorsin Frame
A dedicated 3D printed Go Pro Hero 7/8/9 Black base mount for the Vorsin frame.  The mount is s..
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TPU HappyModel Sailfly-X Canopy for Nano Camera
Use this canopy to fit a nano camera on your HappyModel Sailfly-X. Weight: 4.68g ..
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TPU Immortal T antenna mount
Use this to attach the Immortal T to the spacers on the back of your quadcopter!  Keeps your an..
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TPU Lens Protector for DJI Digital FPV Camera
A small lens protector for your DJI Digital FPV Camera printed from TPU. Outer diameter: 22mm We..
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TPU M2 Spacers
Unthreaded spacers made from TPU. Perfect for situations where you're using a 4in1 ESC or have 6mm o..
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TPU M3 Spacers
Unthreaded spacers made from TPU.  Perfect for situations where you're using a 4in1 ESC or have..
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TPU Micro USB cover (3pcs)
If you run reverse props to keep your camera clean, you've probably noticed debris being fired into ..
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2 reviews
TPU Microquad Battery Holder for Two 1S Batteries
Use this to hold 2 of the small size 1S batteries for your Micro quads. Fits many popular frame such..
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TPU Motor Mount  - 14XX size
Soft motor mounts made out of TPU.  These have been effective in dampening motor generated vibr..
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TPU Motor Mount  - 22xx size
Soft motor mounts made out of TPU.  These have been effective in dampening motor generated vibr..
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TPU Runcam Nano camera mount
Please note that this was designed towards the Runcam Nano V1! The Runcam Nano is our favorite mi..
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3D printed part that makes it easier to tighten SMA and RP-SMA connectors. Contains 2 pieces. ..
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