The Super F405HD ELRS AIO flight controller comes with an integrated 2.4GHz ExpressLRS (UART) receiver, 20A BlHeli_S ESC with Bluejay firmware pre-installed and a 6 pin socket for your HD FPV equipment.
- FC:
- Flight controller firmware target: BETAFLIGHTF4
- Power supply: 2~4S battery input (DC 8.7V-17.4V)
- MCU: STM32F405RGT6 (168MHZ, 1Mbyte FLASH)
- GYRO Sensor: ICM42688 (SPI connection)
- Mount hole size: 25mm*25mm
- Built-in BMP280 Barometer (not enabled by default, see notes below)
- Built-in 8MBp blackbox
- ESC:
- Firmware target: F_H_40_48_v0.19.2
- Factory firmware: Bluejay 0.19.2
- Voltage meter scale 110
- Current meter scale 470
- Currents: 20A continuous peak 25A (5 seconds)
- Support BLHeliSuite programmable
- Default protocol: DSHOT150/DSHOT300/DSHOT600
- MCU upgraded to EFM8BB21
- UART ExpressLRS 2.4GHz Receiver:
- Packet Rate option: 25Hz/50Hz/150Hz/250Hz/500Hz
- RF Frequency: 2.4GHz
- Antenna plug: IPEX (U.FL)
- Telemetry output Power: <12dBm
- Receiver protocol: CRSF
- Default firmware version: ExpressLRS V3.0.1
Binding procedure:
- Power cycle the FC 3 times in a row. On the third time, the red LED should start double blinking indicating that it is in binding mode.
- Put your radio into bind mode.
- If done properly, you will get a solid red LED.
Rx LED status meaning:
- Solid red = Bound to Tx
- Double red flash = in bind mode
- Slow red flash = No connection with Tx
- Rapid red flashing = in WIFI mode
- Triple red flash - model mismatch (you can turn model match off)
UART Description:
- UART1 = usually for MSP OSD (your HD VTX).
- UART2 = ELRS receiver
- UART6 = Can be used for GPS or other serial equipment. If using the DJI Controller, USE THIS PORT FOR SERIAL RX (you'll have to change the receiver provider in the receiver tab of Betaflight to SBUS)
- IRX6 is an inverted serial RX6 for SBUS input.
- IRX6 and TX6/RX6 couldn’t be used at the same time.
- UPGRADE TO 4.4.x: while in the firmware flash page of Betaflight, you will need to add in Custom Defines “GYRO_SPI_ICM42688P ACC_SPI_ICM42688P” (the gyro won't work if you flash without this). Picture here.
- To enable the barometer: Connect the FC to Betaflight and go to the CLI command tab. Enter the following:
resource I2C_SCL 2 B10
resource I2C_SDA 2 B11
set baro_bustype = I2C
set baro_i2c_device = 2
Please note that all warranty claims are handled and approved by HappyModel only. If you have any issues please contact them here